Verse 7

image(To those misusing Control)


7.1 Black pony

to the left

of life’s fence:

your tail swings

disturbing air’s rest

as plant is

separated from leaf’s

unjust prosecution

by pony’s

grinding jaw

crushing natures

stem as your

hooves strode away

in oblivion of what

it could profit

had pony

in stead

swung it’s tail

On the right side

of the fence.





Otaru Andrew Omeiza Daudu

the Cocktailpoet

Shagamu, Ogun .

Verse 9


( To the caged bird who sings )


9.1 What shall

It profit

man who

sings with

all his might

but sings not

for right.


9.2 Yes, their

petals shall;

bloom during

sun’s rise


rain’s fall…

witness adamant

soil Disobey

Winds Call.


9.3 But what then

shall be man’s fate;

When knights fall

during the day


clouds laugh

in stead of cry

As wind molests

Soil’s spawn…


9.4 For what reason

shall man then

find to sing?




Otaru Andrew Omeiza Daudu

the Cocktailpoet




Adventitious Love



(Dear Oma… III)


Without sun’s light,

Rainfall or visible

Irrigation source…

How you grow,

I do not know.



Your nodes extend

Over deserts dried:

Across Nutrient less

concrete mesh…


…Finding Victual

Outside sun’s light,

Rainfall or, visible

Irrigation source…



Your roots dig

thirsty fields deep:

Seeking out

Cupids treats,

Leached past

compacts squeeze…


…Obtaining sustainance

Outside sun’s light,

Rainfall or, visible

Irrigation source…


How you grow,

Even in the warmth of snow…

Adventitious Love,

I do not know.


25th December,  2015


Otaru Andrew Omeiza Daudu

the Cocktailpoet



Verse 6

( Acknowledging Destiny )


Rocky mountains;

Beautiful are your curves,

All your turns.

Sometimes I reach out,

With only none catching on,

But Pacified I remain,

by beauties in your twist.

For if they were lost;

I would be not a climber,

but a walker.

You might be rocky,

but a lane

With all being able

to have come this way.








Otaru Andrew Omeiza Daudu

the Cocktailpoet



Verse 8

the Cocktailpoet


( Acknowledging Providence )


8.1 You only

doubt providence

the moment

before her

truth appears…


8.2 Voices in

constant whispers

at frequencies

first unclear.


8.3 Bidding on

behalf Of

refuge promised


before her

truth appears!


31 August 2014


Otaru Andrew Omeiza Daudu

the Cocktailpoet


Dark Beauty



( To Mother Nature )

And so

Is her

Depth of heart:

As an

Abyss where

All infinity

Could learn.


Cast! But

Still Her

Shadows creep:

Taking stock

Of plants

Not Reckoned

to Wilt.


She continues

To fend:

Living off

Infertile portions,

Where sun’s

Light found

No rest…


Awoken by

A knock

against the door:

I approached

The handle,

Lending light

From a candle.


” Who is it? ”

A voice in

my head

Must have




” It is she;

Who your light

Shines because! ”

The Emptiness

Behind the

Door replied.





Otaru Andrew Omeiza Daudu

the Cocktailpoet




Left Out



Thought comes

And, so it begins:

heart against mind,

Battling for might.

Employing No skill

Of mine.


Only that

Offered by sight.

So I too

May gaze upon

The foolishness

Of ‘I’ fighting ‘I’


Thoughts flow,

so they continue:

Heart tugs,

Mind pulls.

Relentless in

their push

driving the other

Closer to woe.


Thought drops,

pushing me out:

Scurrying mind.

Shoving heart.

In their battle

To be crowned

By endeavour,

Bare me no say.


So still I lay;

With blood,

But not veins.

With mind,

But not reason.

With heart,

But not Rhythm.


So still I lay.


But left out.

Wishing I, myself,

Could offer him

some help.





Otaru Andrew Omeiza Daudu

the Cocktailpoet


Thus Far


The sun shines,
Then it doesn’t,
Then it does again.

Night falls,
Morning comes,
For chance sake,
Aiding nights
Creep up again.

What a waste!
Awful cycle,
Looking backward
Walking forward.

“Life’s tough”
No it’s not.
“Love’s a breeze”
Boy you’re nuts!

Whatever circumstance,
A flip side exists.
Don’t be the victim,
Of single’s story.

It all makes sense;
When it ends,
When you’re not here,
To tell the hell.

We’ll all remember,
Though we forget,
How life questioned
And, love mysteried.

Some live:
As though they
Would never die.

Others live:
As though
When they die,
Records will lie
They had ever lived.

Jan. 23, ’15. 9:15p            July 20th 2015
Kenechukwu                     OAOD

The Rhapsodist..” Otaru Andrew Omeiza Daudu.”

I have had to wait 22 years to recieve the ultimate birthday gift. Thank you Ojo Oluwabusayo. Thank you

Safë H~aven


Million stars are born

Some shine the brightest

A star was born

It shined the brightest
That Star was a Man!

Otaru Andrew Omeiza…

“An aphrodisiac born from a pool of creativity, it is the writers unacknowledged synonym”

If only I had a Pen made of Leaves
I would prefer the Prototype
The same that told us the tales of a Poet named Solomon
The same that told us of the Psalmist David

Otaru Andrew Omeiza…

I call you Epic!
Your Poetic light shined from afar
Just like the 3 wise men
I followed that bright light…
It Led me straight to You!

I admire your Passion for Poetry My Friend
Your Poems are like Percussion to my ears
You are a rare Gem of a writer
Distinctively Unique
Creatively Creative
I only pray you don’t leave me behind…(Big Grin…..)
Good Poetry has become but far from us like an Iroko…

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